Lockdown : Eleven questions to prime minister from Students and Youth

Student Protests in Delhi. Pic Courtesy : Tashi Tobgyal


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Upload Photos of Placard and Black Flag Campaign as posts asking the Prime Minister with our demands and questions.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 20 lakh crore economic package to deal with impact of lockdown. However, the mega headline catching package turns out to be a Jumla like the earlier packages. The bulk of the economic package deals with the granting of loans and liquidity measures already undertaken by RBI during the lockdown period, already planned expenditures of the 2020-21 budget, and routine administrative relaxations. In other words, old wine in a new bottle, repackaging or restatement of existing schemes. These are not any additional allocation to provide the much needed fiscal stimulus. What is more tragic is, despite a huge humanitarian crisis of migrant workers’ deaths due to accidents or exhaustion while walking back to their villages, the central government did not allocate a single rupee in this 20 lakh crore package to ensure them safe transport home, and compensate their loss of jobs.
The 20 lakh crore economic package does not have anything for students and youth. The Finance Minister or the Prime Minister has not uttered a single word on issues concerning student-youth. So we have a few questions to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister about the 20 Lakh crore Package.

  1.  Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package allocate any funds for expansion of internet connectivity around the country to facilitate online classes and online exams?
  2.  Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include an immediate rent waiver for students and workers living in rented accommodation across the country?
  3. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include Fee waiver for School, college and university fees of both private and government instititutions?
  4. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include resources to coordinate with various State Governments to harmonise the multiple entrance examinations and other academic programmes?
  5. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include the immediate release of all pending fellowships of research scholars and other students until May 2020?
  6. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include any holistic plan to cater to needs of students with disabilities to continue their education smoothly?
  7. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include a plan and resource allocation for free and safe transport for workers and students who want to return to their homes after necessary testing?
  8.  Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include Universal Basic Income to assist the unemployed student-youth, migrant workers and other citizens, and generate the purchasing power required to reboot the economy?
  9. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include Universal Rations to be made available to students based on college, university or educational institute ID card? Why no universal rations to all citizens without demanding documents?
  10. Modi ji please answer why doesn’t the 20 lakh crore package include an Immediate moratorium on repayment of Educational loan for at least six months with interest waiver on all education loans for next two years?
  11. Modi ji, why, instead of providing any support or financial relief, are student and youth activists, who stood by the Constitution against the communally divisive CAA-NRC-NPR, being politically harassed, arrested, jailed during the pandemic, while the leaders of BJP leaders who stoked communal frenzy leading to riots and those engaged in wanton violence in campuses are being given impunity despite enough recorded evidences?

On 20th May, Students-Youth across the country will be asking our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman why insult and condemn student-youth by not even allocating one rupee for Student-Youth? Why is your headline grabbing package of 20 lakh crore is anti student-youth and completely devoid of any relief measure for young India?

Why are the youth of our country left unemployed, and forced to die walking back home on highways? Why no transport for workers? Why no survival package for them in the face of widespread joblessness and destitution?

Lets join together in exposing the jumla of 20 lakh crore package and betrayal of Student-Youth by Modi government.



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