UGC : Arbitrary Move to Remove 4000 Journals from UGC Approved List

In a shockingly abrupt and arbitrary move, the UGC has very recently removed 4305 Journals from the current UGC Approved List of Journals. Articles published in UGC-approved List of Journals are considered for the purpose of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) and Direct Recruitment of Teachers and other academic staff as required under the UGC (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges) Regulation, 2016.
• The UGC website claims that it follows detailed checklist criteria to prepare the UGC – approved list of Journals. On the other hand, while withdrawing more than 4000 journals the UGC asserted that the deletion is on the basis of “poor quality”, “false claims” by journals etc. So if the “checklist” is followed, what are these so-called thousands of substandard quality journals or journals with fake claims were doing in the list to begin with?
• Secondly, the most important criterion for rejection is whether the journal has a website which provides full postal or email addresses of Chief Editor and Editors. Several journals were rejected on this flimsy ground. Why is the UGC more interested in the technicality of journal website than the journal’s academic rigour?
• Most importantly, several scholars have already published in these journals as this list was there on the UGC website for more than one year. Because now the journals were removed, these publications will carry no value. Why would the research scholars and faculty members pay the price for UGC’s whims and fancies?
Imposition of arbitrary moves in the sphere of higher education has become a hallmark of the current BJP Government. The Government has time and again used the UGC as a tool to destroy research and serious academic environment of the country – through blatant attempts to discontinue Non NET fellowship and scuttle biannual NET examination, imposition of 5th May 2016 UGC Notification resulting into massive M.Phil/ PhD seat cuts and decimation of policies of social justice, department wise vacancy roaster to demolish reservations in faculty positions etc. The recent step of abrupt removal of journals came in the long spate of sudden irresponsible moves by the Modi Government that threatens the future of thousands of us. AISA appeals the student community to thoroughly reject the dictatorial anti-academic farmaans of the present govt one after another.