Students Across India Reject the Loan based Education Model Promoted by NEP 2020

Students Say No to NEP 2020 promotion of Grade Inequality and Institutionalisation of Drop-outs in the name of Multiple Entry/Exit 4 year graduation programme
AISA condemns the Online-Digital push for education at time when 60% of India doesn’t have access to Internet
AISA units across the country took part in protest against the New Education Policy 2020. Students protested on social media as well as took to the streets, maintaining all norms of physical distancing, to protest the exclusionary education policy brought in by the BJP govt. Students also burnt the NEP document.

Sandeep Saurav, National General Secretary, AISA said: “We have witnessed how the BJP govt has gradually deteriorated public education in the country, and now has come out in the front to promote private players in the field of education. There has been no strategy to decrease drop outs such as ensuring hostel facilities in campuses, giving scholarships. Interestingly, drop outs have been institutionalised by the Multiple Entry-Exit policy. A student with less money has to settle for a certificate or diploma while the ones who has the money can go on to do a honours degree. Students will be forced to take loans and we have seen the consequences of that in USA.”
N Sai Balaji, National President, AISA said: “It is note worthy that the word reservation hasn’t been mentioned one time in the entire 60 page document. While no affirmative actions for the socially marginalized has been talked about in the NEP, vocational training since Class 6 has been much stressed upon. It will only lead to reinforcement of caste based jobs.”

AISA demands the NEP 2020 policy to be withdrawn and first placed before the parliament and other stake holders across the country. Nationalising exclusion through NEP 2020 will not be tolerated by students. Students, student – youth organisations across the country, parents will be taken into fold for a larger movement against the New Education Policy and for Common Education System. AISA will take the movement against NEP 2020 forward.