Russia must end military aggression on Ukraine!

End US-NATO imperialist expansion in Europe!
Indian Government must ensure safe return of trapped Indian citizens!
AISA stands firmly with Ukraine against the war waged on it by Putin’s Russia. We immediately demand Russia to halt its ongoing military aggression on Ukraine and withdraw all military from Ukrainian territory and air space and ensure that peace prevails. AISA believes that war in itself is a catastrophe and hence should be avoided at all costs, come what may. Diplomacy and dialogue are the way forward to resolve all disputes arising between countries. War only brings destruction and misery on common people when ruling elites fight with each other in the name of power and control.
AISA demands
- What Putin called “a special military operation” is nothing but a war resulting in loss of human lives and calamity for a country. Such aggressive military intervention must be immediately stopped and Russia must return to diplomatically resolving the current impasse.
- India must take up the crucial role that it can play in stopping the war in Ukraine and the ongoing military mobilisation by US led NATO, which can only push the region to further calamitous consequences.
- US, which has been imposing sanctions on Russia and NATO, which has been pushing its eastward expansion should be held guilty of warmongering and interfering in relations of sovereign countries. After what we have witnessed in Afghanistan, Yogoslavia, Libya, Syria and other wars backed by imperial powers in their quest for power, hegemony and control, it is clear what this catastrophe means for common people. The claims of NATO of being a defensive alliance hold no truth and given its history, we clearly know the imperial designs of their policy. We demand that the US withdraw the sanctions it has declared against Russia and NATO immediately halt its eastward expansion.
Immediate, Safe and Cost Free Evacuation of India Students and Citizens: Say No More to Modi government’s Callous Policy towards Indian Citizens in Ukraine.
AISA demands that the Modi government immediately evacuate Indian citizens, especially the 15,000 plus students stranded and stuck in a country on the verge of being torn by war. The Modi government must answer for its brazen failure to protect Indian lives and evacuate the Indian people.
Rather than ensuring the safety and immediate return of Indian students from Ukraine, PM Modi was busy electioneering in UP, which clearly shows Indian lives don’t matter to the BJP, only election and winning them matters.
Had evacuating Indians from Ukraine been a priority for the Indian Government, students and other people of country would not have been left at the mercy of Airlines who were racketeering profits out of people’s misery by charging lakhs for the ticket back home. This is what privatisation is all about – making profits out of the misery of people, their sweat and blood.
AISA demands to know why did the Modi government not shoulder the entire responsibility of evacuating its students and citizens? Why was being the star campaigner of elections more important to Narendra Modi than presiding over the meeting to ensure safety of Indian students? Modi government has once again failed Indian students and this failure shall indeed be never forgotten or forgiven.
The US, UK and NATO’s acts of pushing countries to be devastated by wars, for their imperialist objectives are grave crimes against humanity.
Imperialism of all kinds by any country be it US led NATO or Putin led Russia in Ukraine has to be resisted and condemned. As we have witnessed in the past years with Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries where wars and proxy wars were fought by countries with imperial ideas. Today we stand together with people of Ukraine and other people across the globe who are the victims of wars with the realisation that standing with one country doesn’t have to necessarily mean opposing the other. We standing together against destruction of our lives and future by ruling elites who are fighting in the name of power.