Modi Govt.’s Move to Close Down 13 ESI Medical Colleges Rebuffed!

A Significant Victory of Collective Student Movement!
ESI Medical Colleges to Continue!
AISA congratulates the student community for a major step forward in our movement to halt government withdrawal from education and health. Due to a collective movement by the ESIC medical students, teachers along with AISA, JNUSU and other progressive organisations, the ESIC and the central government have been forced to withdraw its earlier decision to close down 13 ESIC medical institution including medical colleges, dental colleges and nursing colleges.
In pursuance of the Modi govt.’s sinister policy of cut back of public spending on health, education and employment, the ESIC Board Meeting of 4 Jan. 2015, headed by the Union Labour Minister Bhandaru Dattaraya, decided to close down all 13 ESIC medical institutions. This caused major insecurity for the future of the students enrolled in the colleges as well as the teaching and and non-teaching stuff in these colleges. At the same time, this was also a major attack on public health system as it would have badly impacted the hospitals and medical services under ESI, which as an institution caters to the need of the unorganised working class of the country.
As soon as the decision to close down the ESIC medical colleges came to light, students and teachers of these colleges started massive protests against this decision. AISA has been a part of this movement since beginning in several parts of the country.
On 18th of February, when the next board meeting of ESIC was scheduled, a spirited protest was organised by the JNUSU along with the ESI medical students and teachers. AISA along with other progressive organisations were an integral part of this movement. Due to the united show of strength by the students and teachers as well as some strong progressive voices inside the board meeting, the decision to close down the medical colleges could not be finalised from 18th February board meeting. Finally, on 18th March, the head quarter of Employees’ State Insurance Corporation has come out with a circular stating that the earlier decision has been re-examined and directing new admission to be continued in all the colleges for 2015-16 session.
This is a major victory of the progressive students’ movement to safeguard public funded education and health system in the country. In the coming days as well, we must forge a larger unity and resistance against the government’s moves to sell out education and health to private interest.