JNU Violence : Expose the well planned attack by ABVP-Admin-Delhi Police

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In the early hours of 5th January, some 30-40 people wearing the Cyclops uniform and masks came and attacked the students who were present in the school area in JNU. Students were kicked and beaten. Female students were molested. ABVP and RSS backed teachers also gathered and brutally attacked the students who have been protesting since the past two months against the illegal IHA manual and the massive fee hike. JNUSU General Secretary was also attacked by the ABVP and its backed group of teachers naming ‘JNUTF’. Many students were mob lynched. Dripta, a MA first year student of Linguistics, has suffered a fracture in her leg.
In the evening when the students had gathered for the peace meeting, a 60+ ‘mob’ led by ABVP former DUSU President Satinder Awana and others entered the JNU campus with the help of Delhi Police. They were carrying Iron rods, lathis and other severe weapons with them. They were joined by the ABVP of JNU and all had their faces covered with the masks so to remain hidden. They went on to disrupt everything in the campus. The mob entered the hostels and started beating students brutally. JNUSU President, Aishe Ghosh was severely injured when her head was smashed with a Iron rod by them. A faculty member was also attacked by the mob while she was trying to protect the students and sustained grevious injuries. Over 18 students were admitted to AIIMS trauma center with severe injuries. The cars and houses of JNU professors who stay on campus were also attacked.
Delhi Police was stationed outside the campus but did nothing to prevent the mob from entering the campus. It played active role in not letting the well-wishers of JNU and its alumni to enter the campus. Even when it was told several times, it did nothing to prevent the attack. The JNU guards also stood silent while the whole attack was being done.
ABVP attacked students with rods and sticks in an attempt to ensure that the diktats of JNU administration is implemented and the fight for affordable education is hampered. ABVP has disclosed its true identity and the nexus that exists between the JNU administration, ABVP and Delhi Police is now out in the open.
AISA demands Immediate resignation of JNU VC who has failed the entire university community.
We also demand the resignation of the Delhi Police Commissioner who has shown utter incompetence and has sided with the ABVP-RSS sponsored goons instead of doing its duty under the law.
We believe it was a deliberate and planned attack on JNU community to create a atmosphere of fear and panic in the entire students’ community across the country who are right now at the forefront against the Modi-Shah regime and its draconian policies. The attack on JNU is in line with recent attacks on Jamia and AMU community. We must demand the resignation of Home Minister, Amit Shah under who’s control the Delhi Police operates.
Such attacks will not deter the fight against unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Act and NRC-NPR.
The anti-fee hike movement in JNU has spearheaded protests against fee hike across campuses in the country. The JNU movement will continue till complete roll back of the illegal IHA manual and the fee hike. Proper examinations with a buffer period for preparation must be ensured. All punitive actions and Proctorial enquiries must be withdrawn. ABVP activists who attacked be arrested. JNU will fight back the hooliganism of the administration and the ABVP on campus.