Reject the Communal Design of the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016

AISA salutes the people of Assam for taking part in the JPC hearing and registering their votes against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016.The proposed bill represents nothing but BJP RSS brand of aggressive communal agenda. It proposes to grant citizenship to migrants from neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afganistan based on the religion of the person. This bill stands diametrically opposite to the fundamentals of secular ethos bestowed in the constitution. Principles of Indian Constitution stands against the idea of citizenship based on religion. The RSS’s fascist idea of India as a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is the basis of the communally divisive Citizenship Amendment Bill and not constitutional principles.
We reject this citizenship amendment bill. The people of Assam want the Assam Accord to be implemented and not the Citizenship Amendment Bill. While the NRC(national register for citizen) updation process is going on under the supervision of the supreme court, this bill is a heinous attempt to communalise the entire process. This is not acceptable to the people of Assam.
The concern of the people of North East over their right to land, resources and dignified recognition of the diverse culture can not be allowed to be diverted by communalism and xenophobia as is being attempted by the BJP.
AISA strongly stands with the people of Assam and their struggle against the Citizenship amendment Bill 2016.