CBSE paper leak : Not an aberration but long process of corruption
Paper Leak Hat Trick: NEET (May 2017), SSC (Feb 2018), And Now CBSE X & XII!

Vyapam Scam of Madhya Pradesh Multiplied In National Scale! And It’s Gujarat Cadre IAS At the Helm of Both SSC and CBSE Mired in Paper Leak!
Every year, lakhs of students across the country put their extreme hard works for the board examinations. In a shocking development yesterday, the question papers of CBSE examinations were leaked on WhatsApp and social media hours before the paper commenced. A senior CBSE official had first denied any leak after reports had emerged of the same. But later, CBSE backtracked to announce that two exam papers (Class X Mathematics and Class XII Economics) had been leaked and that a retest was being ordered.
The CBSE paper leak is no aberration. Few days back, we have witnessed shocking paper leak and scam in the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) examination. The SSC directly comes under the central government, but it has refused to address the concerns of SSC examines and instead offered false assurances, harassed and threatened them. In case of CBSE paper leak, it is also clearly a long process of corruption with the Government patronage.
- The Modi Government kept the post of CBSE Chairperson vacant for over one and half years till July 2016. Is not this a highly irresponsible act to keep the highest post vacant of an organization which decides the future of lakhs of students of the county every year?
- In July 2016, Rajesh Kumar Chaturvedi was appointed as the Chairperson of the CBSE for a five year term. But just one year after Chaturvedi’s appointment, the BJP Government arbitrarily removed him and appointed Anita Karwal as the Chairperson of the CBSE. Interestingly, Anita Karwal, like the SSC chairperson Ashim Khurana is Gujarat cadre with close connections to the ruling party. Is it not a clear ploy by the current Government to destroy educational institutions of the country through political appointments in every important Government post?
- According to the media reports, the CBSE Chairperson received a copy of the leaked class X Mathematics paper day before the examination. She could have cancelled the paper before the exam which she didn’t. Didn’t it show that the CBSE tried its best to sweep the entire issue of paper leak under carpet?
- There are also reports of gross anomalies in evaluation in class XII papers in 2017. Why the Government didn’t take any steps then?
Few days back, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi jumped to advise school-going children on the subject of exam preparation and clearing their Board exams during the launch of his book Exam Warrior. Mr. Modi, students will always work hard for the examinations. But what happens to their hard work when your corrupt system fails them miserably? We don’t need to tips to crack exams and this Government must need to take immediate steps to address the massive corruptions and scams in examinations and recruitment process.
The BJP Government is implementing the Vyapam Model in board and recruitment examination scams, where vested interests are working within Government bodies. Until those responsible in paper leak and corruption, from within the Government bodies and others are punished – a fair evaluation in any future board and recruitment exams cannot be guaranteed. Thus, merely conducting re-examinations will not address the issue at hand. We demand the immediate resignation of the CBSE Chairperson and the MHRD Minister, who have miserably failed to be accountable and a through, independent probe in the CBSE paper leak and corruption.