ABVP attacks AISA NO CBCS Campaign in Delhi University
ABVP members assaulted AISA activists campaigning against the introduction of CBCS in Delhi University. On 28 May 2015 AISAmembers were campaigning against CBCS in front of the Open Session for Admissions in North Campus. At around 1.30 pm in front of gate number 4, DUSU Jt. Secretary Ashutosh Mathur (from ABVP) and ABVP members Gaurav Choudhury and Amarjit Choudhury attacked AISA activists who were distributing pamphlets to the students and parents present there. Ashutosh Mathur arrived with other ABVP supporters and snatched the pamphlets that were being distributed by AISA members. The pretext of the attack was that AISA was campaigning against the Narendra Modi government.

Many AISA activists were brutally beaten up with sticks. Sexually explicit abuses were hurled at them by ABVP members in front of many students and parents. AISA State Vice President Sunny Kumar and AISA members Dhanpal, Mohit Pandey and Harshvardhan were injured. The entire incident took place in front of several policemen and security personnel from the university on duty who remained mute witnesses when the ABVP members were on rampage.
The injuries were serious enough to require a Medico-legal-certificate (MLC). In spite of the seriousness of the injuries and the heinous nature of the assault, the police at the Maurice Nagar police station were reluctant to file a complaint. This reluctance and the seriousness of the unprovoked assault produced a spontaneous protest by the students of DU. It was only after this strong protest that the police at the Maurice Nagar Station registered the complaint and filed an FIR.
AISA member Mohit Pandey said: “It is sheer hypocrisy on the part of ABVP who claim that they are against CBCS but beat up AISA members protesting against CBCS.”
AISA state Vice President Sunny Kumar said “This only shows the double standards of the BJP-led central government. The MHRD on one hand sends order after order to DU to implement CBCS and ABVP-led DUSU says that it opposes CBCS but attacks AISA for campaigning against CBCS. AISA will continue to oppose CBCS even if it is passed by the DU EC, like it fought FYUP.”
Despite the assault and future threats of attacks by the ABVP, AISA activists showed remarkable spirit and resumed campaign against the introduction of CBCS in Delhi University in huge numbers the very next day. The response was so great that teachers from the Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) also joined the campaign. Different student organizations, students and teachers organized a protest march at Arts Faculty,Delhi University demanding action against the perpetrators of violence from ABVP.
See Photo Journal of the Campaign:

Shame on ABVP
ABVP goondas cannot stop AISA.