AISA launches #FreeVaccinationForAllStudents campaign

Surging Second Wave of Covid Takes Toll on the Young!
Modi Govt’s Undue Delay and Dubious Price & Delivery Policy in Vaccination Threaten to Unleash Profiteering, Black-marketeering, Hoarding and Chaos!
Ensure Universal and Free Vaccination of Students!
It is sad and shocking that even as the country reels under massive second surge of Covid, Modi is busy in election rallies and image management. Govt’s priority is to somehow suppress real Covid numbers by delaying and denying testing, underreporting covid deaths. It is resorting to dubious treatment and vaccination policies, while going for image makeovers with calls like “Tika Utsav”!
- On the one hand, PM Modi is advising people to stay indoors and on other hand he is spearheading rally after rally in Bengal, showing utter disregard to people’s lives and safety. The utter apathy and collapse of Modi government has yielded a death blow to country. Hundreds of burning pyres, thousands of ailing patients waiting in queues for oxygen and hospital beds – Modi has indeed made people “Atmanirbhar” (self-reliant) in time of extreme distress.
- Modi govt’s monumental and murderous mismanagement of Covid crisis stands self-exposed for what it is – Hospitals without Beds, ICUs, Ventilators and Oxygen! People collapsing on the street sides, at hospital gates and corridors without treatment and oxygen. Labs are delaying and denying testing, while hospitals and crematoriums are underreporting covid deaths to keep the official number ‘low’! Even as thousands of patients dying for lack of life-saving oxygen, Minister is Piyush Goyal is advising to ‘reduce’ the demand of oxygen! In contrast, for its global image management, the same govt has exported 9300 Metric tonnes of oxygen. So, it’s NOT ‘care and treatment’ but ONLY ‘image management’, that is the motto of Modi govt! Can one imagine of a govt, more callous and heartless?
- Thousands of crores were diverted to PM Cares in the name of Covid management- with hardly any tangible capacity improvement in any front even after a year. Today, as covid 2 surges on, country continues to suffer from heightened lack of beds and ventilators and even supply of life saving oxygen, free testing and vaccine! All demands for transparency and accountability of PM Cares funds were denied and stonewalled. Who will answer for this lapse and unpreparedness?
- Students have suffered the most due to the lockdown, lack of disbursal of fellowships, online classes and now second wave has decimated the hopes of revival of educational prospects. With no effort on the part of the govt to offer basic facilities laptop and internet connection, the poor and marginalised students, and those in small towns and villages have been suffering the most. Majority of students are suffering from mental health issues and extreme deprivation due to lockdown induced economic losses.
- While the central government has announced the vaccination of all people above 18 years of age from May 1st, it is a delayed step and has left the door open black marketeers, hoarders and pharma companies to reap profit out of the misery of people. To avoid any further loss of academic years and exclusion from education, it is urgent that all educational bodies and administrations must be instructed to ensure vaccination of students.
- Modi government and state govts must be held accountable for their respective failures to expand capacities – in hospitals, ICU beds, ventilators, greater production and distribution of oxygen, vaccines and critical medicines! University administrations have to be held accountable for ensuring health and infrastructure for its students!
“Crisis” of this order cannot be allowed to be used as yet another “opportunity” for the image management of our (Prime) Prachar Minister!
AISA demands:
- Central and State governments to ensure free vaccination of students.
- Make Universities, Colleges and Institutions the center for vaccination from May 1st.
- The Central and State governments should free COVID treatment and free testing to all students. Healthcare of students is the responsibility of government.
AISA demands both Central and State governments take necessary steps to ensure production and supply of vaccines is adequate for #FreeVaccinationForStudents. AISA stands with the bereaving families who have lost their loved ones due to the pandemic and callousness of Modi government and state governments. We demand the Modi government and respective state government to start acting to save lives in this Health Emergency.